Day 17
We had a cold day today, which is like a snow day, but with snow. Normally, I’m all about the days, snow days, cold days, heat days and swat days. Don’t ask swat days are a legit thing in my district. But today’s cold day is a bad thing, and not just because it’s cold.
Too Much Thinking Time
Because there is no school to day, I have nothing major to do. Having nothing major to do means I have too much thinking time, and that is a bad thing. I keep wondering if I made the best decision for me. I just don’t know, and how do I find out? By having it done and then regretting it? It’s not like I can say “Oopsie, bad choice. Give me back my boobs.”
Monday Monday
No, I’m not going to break out into the Mamas and the Papas Monday Monday, though it is a good song. I prefer Creeque Alley better. No, Monday I have my pre-op appointment, and I hope they are prepared to answer a lot of questions, including how much is this going to hurt and how long am I going to be down and out? And my all time favorite, are the expanders going to hurt? I’m just scared, and it’s hard to deal with it