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About Tracie Joy

I started writing before I could even write. I used to make up stories for my dolls and stuffed animals that went on and on. Once I learned to read and write, there was no going back!

By: Tracie Joy

Thinking Positive Toolbox

A Workbook for Developing Positive Thinking Strategies

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Format: eBook, Print

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with negativity, one of the best things we can do is to think in a positive manner. Thinking Positive: Take the Journey into Positivity will provide you with tips, tricks and tools to develop a more positive outlook.

Thinking Positive Toolbox

A Workbook for Developing Positive Thinking Strategies


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By: Tracie Joy

Thinking Positive Toolbox

A Workbook for Developing Positive Thinking Strategies

We all try to think positive, but sometimes it can be so hard. Life can get crazy, and we get pushed and pulled from all different directions. How do you stay positive when life seems to be conspiring against you? The Thinking Positive Toolbox will help you develop your own strategies to stay positive in this crazy life.