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The Breast Cancer Diaries – Day 19

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Ouch, That Smarts

Welcome to the post surgical issue of The Breast Cancer Diaries. My surgery was yesterday and all I can say is “Ouch, that smarts!” I had to report to the hospital for 10:00 yesterday morning. I got checked in, and changed into the oh so sexy hospital clothing. I got my IV inserted and it took them two tries to find a spot and it ended up in my hand which is incredibly uncomfortable.

Next step was a trip to nuclear medicine. Prior to that I had been giving numbing cream to rub all over my right breast and cover it with saran wrap. Why? Because they were preparing to inject 4 shots of radioactive stuff into me that would take a trip to my lymph nodes.

Surgery Time

After all that, my surgeon came in and wrote on my boobs, then the plastic surgeon came and and wrote over my boobs, but he didn’t use a soft time sharpie. He used a thin tipped one and that sucker hurt! Then they came and injected some feel good drugs into my IV and it was Surgery Time. That was the last think I remember until I woke up.

An Angel Came To Visit

I was lying in recovery, drifting in and out of consciousness. My throat was sore because I had a breathing tube in during surgery. As I was drifting in and out, I became aware of one of the nurses talking and it sounded like she had an accent. I managed to squeak out the question and she did indeed have an accent and she was from Ireland. Not only that, she was from County Cork. I told her that’s where my gram came from. She asked me where in Cork, and I said Bantry Bay. Amazingly the nurse’s family had a summer home there. I’m choosing to think that my nurse was actually an angel who came to visit, courtesy of my gram.


Really that’s all I have to say is ouch. I have never experienced so much pain in my life, and that includes giving birth to twins. I hurt. My former boobs hurt, the drains they put in me hurt, I just hurt. I tried just dealing with the pain with tylenol. That was a big fat now. I had to hit the big drugs. It doesn’t stop the pain, it just makes me sleepy. I’m never going to understand why people want to take Oxy.

Nurses Good and Bad

The nurse I had at night was freaking awesome. She was friendly and great and just so nice. I mentioned wanting caffeine and she found me a pepsi and ice. Granted it was diet, but beggers cannot be choosers and I was quite happy to drink it. Seriously, she was just so nice. She would check on me, and just come in for chit chats when I was awake. She urged me to take the oxy but didn’t push it, when I tried not to. It’s amazing what a good nurse can do to help speed your recovery.

My nurse the next day wasn’t as great. Now one thing they had at this hospital was a big sign on the wall across from the bed. It had my name, the nurses names, diet, special instructions. I had some special instructions. It said do not give shots in abdomen. My morning nurse came in to give me a shot and reached to lift up the johnny to access my belly. I pulled away (which hurt) and told her I’m not supposed to get shots in my abdomen and pointed to the sign she had never even looked at. Seriously, hy am I doing HER job.

Then she had the nerve to complain about what I was watching on television. I had The View on. I’m not a huge fan of The View either, but it was what was on. She was also supposed to stay in the room when I was using the bathroom but instead, threw my clothing into the bathroom and left me to get dressed on my own. Not good Nursing

What a Difference a Few Days Make

What a difference a few days make. I made my first Breast Cancer Diaries post on December 1st which when you think of it, wasn’t too long ago. Yesterday, I had cancer in my breast, and now it, along with my breasts are gone. I thought I’d wake up and have all these doubts and second thoughts, but I don’t. I’m not a fan of the pain, and I hate the drains because those are just gross, but as of right now, I don’t have cancer in me. I have to get the pathology report back and find out if it spread to my lymph nodes. If it did, that will mean chemo. If it didn’t, I won’t. Do I want chemotherapy? Absolutely not but if I need it I will get it. I may need radiation. Do I want that? Nope, but again, I’ll do it if I need it. This battle isn’t over, but it’s one I intend to win.

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Thinking Positive: Take the Journey into Positivity

By: Tracie Joy

Thinking Positive Toolbox

A Workbook for Developing Positive Thinking Strategies

We all try to think positive, but sometimes it can be so hard. Life can get crazy, and we get pushed and pulled from all different directions. How do you stay positive when life seems to be conspiring against you? The Thinking Positive Toolbox will help you develop your own strategies to stay positive in this crazy life.

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